League of Communist Youth


Zoran Pauković

League of Communist Youth of Bosnia and Herzegovina is the organ of the League of Communists of Bosnia and Herzegovina. Brings together advanced, libertarian youth about contemporary critique of capitalism. Youth in BiH only be overcome confessional and ethnic intolerance nastalne armed conflict at the end of the last century, and only one can fight for a truly democratic humane society, complete equality.

Recent pressures of IMF and the domestic ruling class on workers’ rights will mostly hit the youth population because of soaring unemployment rates, which will put workers in slave position to the bosses. Youth in Bosnia and Herzegovina have no perspectives and here is great emigration of youth, especially highly educated.

Bosnia and Herzegovina becomes a space of multinational companies for disposal, fertile ground for deception uneducated, recruiting and training mercenaries for imperial powers. Turkey enforces neo Ottoman policy towards the Balkans and the open points aspirations towards Bosnia and Herzegovina. Religious and nationalist movements are increasingly radicalized. BiH state institutions quickly lead us into NATO integration, which should preserve this area from any kind of social change.

Decadence education and culture

Education and studying becomes absurd. In secondary schools audited history, creating a self-centered archive of hostilities, all with the aim of dividing the youth, creating a clear national-confessional identity. Introduction of CRE in schools will completely restrict students from a critical approach to society and will create new puppets. Open a lot of private colleges who have received permission to work, and have been created for young party cadres who are employed in the civil service and the rich kids who do not need to learn and need to acquire a degree.

All these are problems that have to fight youth in BiH. Through association with related organizations and frontal struggle against the ruling class and the imperial powers, and arguing for a new, humane society, the League of Communist Youth of BiH is presented to the public as the only political youth organization now and start fighting for a better life tomorrow.

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